Pregnancy and Childbirth

第九条是一项联邦民权法,禁止基于性别的歧视,包括怀孕, 分娩和任何相关的医疗状况-在教育计划和活动中.

Know Your Rights: Pregnant or Parenting? Title IX Protects You From Discrimination At SchoolOpens in new window

根据1972年教育修正案第九条,支持怀孕和养育子女学生的学业成功PDF File Opens in new window

Lactation Program for Students, Employees and Third Parties

CSUF is committed to providing faculty, staff, students, visitors and job applicants with a private, secure, convenient and sanitary space to use for lactation. 它们是“恢复活力的空间”,不受他人的侵扰. The Rejuvenation Spaces contain a comfortable sofa or chair, access to electricity, 还有一张靠近或附在椅子上的桌子,可以支撑吸奶器. 该空间提供了靠近员工工作区的水槽和冰箱. If there is no refrigeration in close proximity to the workspace, 员工应该通知第九条和性别平等法案找到冷藏设备. If not, 大学可提供另一种适合储存牛奶的冷却装置, such as an employer-provided cooler. However, 挤奶的个人须自行安排提供密封容器,以便妥善存放.

是否有其他雇主或总承建商协调多雇主工地的例子, within 2 business days, 应任何分包商雇主的书面要求,雇员要求住宿, we shall provide the employee with access to a Rejuvenation Space.

Nursing Employees

雇主必须为员工提供“合理的休息时间”,让他们在分娩后最多一年的时间里挤奶. 休息的频率和持续时间取决于许多因素. The time necessary to express milk includes, among other things, the time walking to and from the Space, retrieving of and setting up a pump or other supplies, washing and cleaning the pump or other supplies and storing milk.
Supervisors and managers are reminded to take necessary steps (e.g., 修订员工休息时间表)以确保正常业务运作不会因员工喂奶休息而受到不合理的影响.

Employees who plan to express milk while at work, prior to their return from parental leave, 需要首先联系他们的人力资源(HRDI或HR)或福利部门,讨论在工作时间挤奶的指导方针. After HR has been contacted, 员工应致电(657)278-2121联系第九条和性别平等,以获取有关安排空间的信息. 员工有责任通知他们的直接主管/经理,如果他们在正常休息或用餐时间之外使用了任何额外的时间.

  • CSUF国家员工:了解更多关于工作员工哺乳休息时间的详细信息, please contact Total Wellness in the Human Resources department at DL-TotalWellness@globalcors.comOpens in new window .
  • ASC & ASI员工:了解更多关于员工哺乳休息时间的详细信息, please contact your Human Resources department.

Scheduling a Rejuvenation/Lactation Space

  1. 该空间每次最多可安排30分钟,除非事先与上述代表之一作出安排.
  2. 为了满足所有要求,请遵守分配的时间安排. If additional time is needed, please contact your representative.
  3. 您是否在指定的结束日期之前不再需要该空间,或者您是否需要延期, please notify your representative.
  4. 希望在工作时间挤奶的员工应联系他们的HRDI, HR or Benefits department for details. After HR has been contacted, 员工应致电(657)278-2121联系第九条和性别平等,以获取有关安排空间的信息. 员工有责任通知他们的直接主管/经理,如果他们在正常休息或用餐时间之外使用了任何额外的时间. CSUF state employees, for more details on lactation break time for working employees, please contact Total Wellness in the Human Resources department at DL-TotalWellness@globalcors.comOpens in new window .
  5. 您还必须在提出请求时填写并提交一份“复兴空间申请表”和“使用协议”.

请按此查阅复原(哺乳)空间申请及协议表格Opens in new window (CSUF login required).

Rejuvenation/Lactation Space Locations

该大学目前在校园内指定了五个恢复/哺乳空间. The building locations are listed below. 另外,请参阅下面每个空间的图表和具体信息.

  • 大学公园(CP-770-08):性别包容和轮椅无障碍
  • 设施管理(FM-C-256C):性别包容和轮椅方便-在校园地图上, 这个空间被称为公司场地或“T”建筑或T-2500
  • Langsdorf Hall (LH-553): Gender inclusive and wheelchair accessible
  • 麦卡锡大厅(MH-383B):必须通过女洗手间进入,轮椅可进入
  • Pollak图书馆(PLN-327):性别包容和轮椅无障碍

点击这里查看校园地图,显示复兴空间的位置PDF File Opens in new window .

Space Use and Cleaning

  1. 如果在您预定的时间内空间被占用,请与您的代表联系. Should your representative be unavailable, please contact any of the other representatives listed above.
  2. If you find the Space is not clean prior to use, please notify your representative immediately for another Space. 您也可以联系设施工作控制中心(657)278-3494进行清洁.
  3. No other individuals are permitted in the Space at any time, unless prior approval is given by your representative.
  4. Please remove your trash from the Space.
  5. 每次使用前和使用后,请确保门关闭,以确保空间安全.
  6. Please do not share the lock box code with others.
  7. 大学不负责遗失或被盗的物品留在空间.
  8. To conserve energy, please turn off the lights after each use.

Representatives for Scheduling

  Lactation Requests Americans with Disabilities/Disability Accommodation Requests
All students Hilda Pelaez or Cherie Mathews
(657) 278-2121
Title IX and Gender Equity – CP 205
Ana Quiroz or Lori Palmerton
Gordon Hall 106 (657) 278-3112
CSUF state employees and job applicants Hilda Pelaez or Cherie Mathews
(657) 278-2121
Title IX and Gender Equity – CP 205
Contact your search committee chair or recruiter. If unavailable, 联系Griselda Marquez(657) 278‐5187或Kelynn Mullally(657) 278‐5333, College Park 700.
ASC employees and job applicants Hilda Pelaez or Cherie Mathews
(657) 278-2121
Title IX and Gender Equity – CP 205
Bertha Leon (657) 278-4120 or
Rosario Borromeo (657) 278-4116
Titan Hall 135 & 136
ASI employees and job applicants Hilda Pelaez or Cherie Mathews
(657) 278-2121
Title IX and Gender Equity – CP 205
Yvonne Castillo (657) 278‐2384 or
Sharon Johnson (657) 278-7060
Titan Student Union 227
Campus visitors Contact the event coordinator.  If unavailalbe, contact Hilda Pelaez or Cherie Mathews, (657) 278-2121, Title IX and Gender Equity – CP 205. Contact the event coordinator.



第九条是一项联邦法律,禁止在联邦资助的教育项目或活动中存在性别歧视. The Interim CSU Policy Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Exploitation, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Stalking, and RetaliationOpens in new window 禁止歧视员工、学生和第三方.

Students, employees, 想要投诉性别歧视或骚扰的访客和求职者, gender or sexual orientation, which includes sexual harassment, sexual assault/sexual misconduct, sexual exploitation, dating/domestic violence, stalking, and related retaliation, 可致电(657)278-2121联系第九条和性别平等办公室,或填写 this online reporting formOpens in new window ; 或与劳工专员的实地执法单位联络 in new window

For Employees: Parental and Pregnancy Disability Leaves

员工如对产假和怀孕伤残假有疑问,请到 in new window for more information.